Thursday, November 22, 2007

The puti-puti way!!=)

Somewhere between reading through political situation and some new films reviews.,one article caught my attention.........'a bubble wrap for popping pleasure!'i luvd it!it just reminded of just how much fun it was to burst those bubbles when we were packing or unpacking for various reasons!but i nevva expected it to evolve into sumthin like stress buster ,sumthin that wud stop u from munching on junk food while watching tv ,or even better sumthin to prevent senility!lol!they actually made it a toy wid re-poppable bubbles!!!!!!!!so d next tme most probably if we are in tokyo we shudnt be surprised to see mosaic work made by adding colur to d puti-puti(pronounced at poochy-poochy)/bubble wrap! or seen it sew into wedding dresses[:O] of all de actually incorporated all of this into an official book giving reference to its uses!!they also pschologicaly analysed it as,well when we see a chair we wanna sit wen we see a button we want to press it so when we see a bubble we want to squash it ! lol! what next?so i guess we should all accept crazy pointless things amount to loads of fun:)so till my next post lets live d puti-put way!;D!!!!!

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