Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can the education board get anything right?

I had heard of how our lovely education board displays its carelessness thus hampering students potentially awesome careers but this time its too much!! Cant you'll get anything right??The english paper gave a poem which was supposedly termed as out of portion by a guide(Oh well!! i agree that no one should make guides their demi gods! but still), well yet moving on the physics paper had insuffiecient information to solve a numerical and just yesterday there was a printing mishap:How on earth could u type probablilty mass as probability density.. was that a lame ass joke or something? ok i know it aint that difficult to comprehend if youve studied but what about those who struggle with usage of english? To top this all the junior college teachers are on strike and refuse to correct papers!what an icing on the cake aint it ???

I pity the state of those who are giving exams in pathetic conditions. how could you all put 17yr olds in a classroom full of desks meant for 7 yr olds, people grow you know!!one of my friend had a terrible experience while appearing for her hindi exam she had to put up with smoke enveloping the entire classroom from some
havan outside the school thus making everything foggy and questions paper uncomprehendable. well Alas!! after an hour the principal came to the RESCUE and shifted the entire class to a different one but could not spare extra time!!how UNJUST!!!
But the worst is what got published in todays newspaper.......... torn and dirty Marathi papers on the tracks due to negligence on the part of officials to board them on the train they were meant to be taken by!!!and then they say only 2%is damaged what if that 2 % has a potential Kalpana Chawla,Narayan Murthy,Sunita Williams, APJ Abdul Kalam?and then after all of this they will come and say that ICSE AND CBSE throw marks so unfair for ssc and hsc students !!whatever *furiously*:X !!!Atleast such mishaps are not heard of being commited by such boards are they?

Besides ssc/hsc boards will take these errors and negligence as an excuse to give students 30 marks or whatever to make up!! why? just do ur job fine and show us real results without such crap!!Its my request to our education board to not do these kind of things!! and ya want to give another suggestion:

The constitution should make an admendment to only allow those who have completed a degree course to stand for elections after all education plays a key role in moulding a persons personality and leads to the correct way of thinking and taking decisions ,What do you think?

Friday, September 12, 2008

fun with the cro and chalks!!!

we were almost done with our experiment when all of a sudden as expected the greart cro of our labrotary decided to not give us results for our exp, we were so freaking bored of peforming the same thing when suddenly one of my batch mates did something which was so silly by intelluctual standars but something i completely related to, after all i was part of the cb group and did sing along :middle finger man: with my freinds during school!!!!see, the cro is an instrument in which the electron beam appears as a straight flourscent line can with some adjustments appear as a sine wave / square wave and all.Basiacally, the electron beam is like a string with fixed length which can be stretched , compressed or moved to compeltely or partially vanish from the screen!so wat my friend did wen our einstein of a cro gave away was take the line progeesively from left to right accompanying it with a "drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"sound like its a car , i found absolutely amazing cause i never came across anyone or any idea as such . i ocassionaly recked her smooth drive with a bam! bam! sound making teh car (i mean the line) go up- and down suddenly!!!:P:Pthen suddely i changed the line to form a sin wave with a really small frequency and made the wave unsteady, resembling a river .,. and both of us were very xcited to see the river flowing , but my even more imaginative pal made it appear like a snake and made that snake charmer sound:nananaananananaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"leaving all of us in splits!!! it was certainly one of the most entertaining cartoons since a long time considering most of cartooon network is full off pokemon and dragonaballz and what not and also the fact that i wud rather watch friends or hope and faith then cartoon network!!!!!!! and ya i even had a chalk fight after so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ot was so much fun , im so glad that my juniors attend lectures cause of which my teachers leave behind chalk which is teh perfect missile to hti ur pal with for some fun:P:Pjust when i thought life cudnt get sulkier this happened and totally reminded me of what i was like and that its good to once a while shake out all the depressing studies and liften up the spirits!:D:D:D:D

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Simple,unexpected joys definetly are lot more delightful to experience then a planned outing or shopping for hours(i know some of my friends completely disagree!!:P:P)............Some of these moments that make life worth living are:

1)The smell of wet mud!!Just when the monsoons is setting in a light drizzle wets the mud and the smell of that is something completely different............no perfume or scent can be compared to it:):):)

2)Having ginger tea during a heavy downpour!!i love tea^_^ , but during the monsoons after a good sleep it tastes a lot more sweeter and sort of comforts me!!:):)

3)Getting slightly wet in the first drizzle!!:):):)

Yes, you can see i am getting tired of the summer already:P:P

4)I know to play the harmonium, and im darn proud about it and i simply love it when i play appa's(dad's)favourite song and he joins in . i dont know why singing songs together gives this sense of belonging to me (No. im not a fan of antakshari but love sining in groups just for the fun of it no matter what type of song it is:):):)

5)Gestures also say lot,it feels real good to hear someone tell you tha they care for you..........:):)a lot of people regret not having expressed their feelings for whatever reason, then why not appreciate those who do!!:):):)

6)I usually detest hugs they make me feel horribly uncomfortable because i hate getting squeezed but often when i feel pathetic i just want a warm hug thats it....:):) i guess thats the case with everyone^_^

7)Laughing at my own stupidity!!:):):):P:P:P:P:P...........................

8)Watching the moon......:):)well not for too long though:P:P

9) I usually never greet anyone by saying good morning .................but i made an exception for a very elderly uncle in my society ,I would see him walking everyday morning in my building compound. and eventhough i would be rushing for class worrying about how to reach in time or be in an irritated mood(having been shouted at just before i left home), i would still always smile and say good morning to him and he would return a smile too:):) i dont know why , but it felt real nice to start my day (outside of home) like that, so i made it a daily routine, but unfortunately he passed away yesterday and i just realized that i may never get to say good morining to him ever again and start my day on that pleasant note:(:(:(May his soul rest in peace.....

Well thats about it now but if i do realize anymore ill sure jot it down............till then adios!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Hey.........You know one thing you can always count one to make u laugh in the news paper however disastrous the other news may be. (mind u they may be quite digusting and depressing.!!:(:( } take a wild guess! it is the comicstrip on the fourth page. so i guess just to end the week with a nice note ive posted these comic strips and ofcourse one of d songs i really found cute(thanx to my friend who mad me forcefully hear it the first time................which i really landed up liking!-the 'fun' song!!)^-^^_^^-^:):D:):D:):_)=)=D

and to end with the 'fun' song:-

(Spongebob) It's not about winning, it's about fun

(Plankton) What's that?

(Spongebob) Fun is when you...fun is...it' like...it's kinda...sorta like a...What is fun?? I...Let me spell it for you (

Spongebob) F is for friends who do stuff together

U is for u and me

N is for N-e where and N-e time at all

(Sea Creatures) down here in the deep blue sea


bye!! have a nice day reader!!!!!!!!!:):D:):^_^^-^

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The puti-puti way!!=)

Somewhere between reading through political situation and some new films reviews.,one article caught my attention.........'a bubble wrap for popping pleasure!'i luvd it!it just reminded of just how much fun it was to burst those bubbles when we were packing or unpacking for various reasons!but i nevva expected it to evolve into sumthin like stress buster ,sumthin that wud stop u from munching on junk food while watching tv ,or even better sumthin to prevent senility!lol!they actually made it a toy wid re-poppable bubbles!!!!!!!!so d next tme most probably if we are in tokyo we shudnt be surprised to see mosaic work made by adding colur to d puti-puti(pronounced at poochy-poochy)/bubble wrap! or seen it sew into wedding dresses[:O]........best of all de actually incorporated all of this into an official book giving reference to its uses!!they also pschologicaly analysed it as,well when we see a chair we wanna sit wen we see a button we want to press it so when we see a bubble we want to squash it ! lol! what next?so i guess we should all accept crazy pointless things amount to loads of fun:)so till my next post lets live d puti-put way!;D!!!!!