Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can the education board get anything right?

I had heard of how our lovely education board displays its carelessness thus hampering students potentially awesome careers but this time its too much!! Cant you'll get anything right??The english paper gave a poem which was supposedly termed as out of portion by a guide(Oh well!! i agree that no one should make guides their demi gods! but still), well yet moving on the physics paper had insuffiecient information to solve a numerical and just yesterday there was a printing mishap:How on earth could u type probablilty mass as probability density.. was that a lame ass joke or something? ok i know it aint that difficult to comprehend if youve studied but what about those who struggle with usage of english? To top this all the junior college teachers are on strike and refuse to correct papers!what an icing on the cake aint it ???

I pity the state of those who are giving exams in pathetic conditions. how could you all put 17yr olds in a classroom full of desks meant for 7 yr olds, people grow you know!!one of my friend had a terrible experience while appearing for her hindi exam she had to put up with smoke enveloping the entire classroom from some
havan outside the school thus making everything foggy and questions paper uncomprehendable. well Alas!! after an hour the principal came to the RESCUE and shifted the entire class to a different one but could not spare extra time!!how UNJUST!!!
But the worst is what got published in todays newspaper.......... torn and dirty Marathi papers on the tracks due to negligence on the part of officials to board them on the train they were meant to be taken by!!!and then they say only 2%is damaged what if that 2 % has a potential Kalpana Chawla,Narayan Murthy,Sunita Williams, APJ Abdul Kalam?and then after all of this they will come and say that ICSE AND CBSE throw marks so unfair for ssc and hsc students !!whatever *furiously*:X !!!Atleast such mishaps are not heard of being commited by such boards are they?

Besides ssc/hsc boards will take these errors and negligence as an excuse to give students 30 marks or whatever to make up!! why? just do ur job fine and show us real results without such crap!!Its my request to our education board to not do these kind of things!! and ya want to give another suggestion:

The constitution should make an admendment to only allow those who have completed a degree course to stand for elections after all education plays a key role in moulding a persons personality and leads to the correct way of thinking and taking decisions ,What do you think?