Sunday, April 27, 2008


Simple,unexpected joys definetly are lot more delightful to experience then a planned outing or shopping for hours(i know some of my friends completely disagree!!:P:P)............Some of these moments that make life worth living are:

1)The smell of wet mud!!Just when the monsoons is setting in a light drizzle wets the mud and the smell of that is something completely perfume or scent can be compared to it:):):)

2)Having ginger tea during a heavy downpour!!i love tea^_^ , but during the monsoons after a good sleep it tastes a lot more sweeter and sort of comforts me!!:):)

3)Getting slightly wet in the first drizzle!!:):):)

Yes, you can see i am getting tired of the summer already:P:P

4)I know to play the harmonium, and im darn proud about it and i simply love it when i play appa's(dad's)favourite song and he joins in . i dont know why singing songs together gives this sense of belonging to me (No. im not a fan of antakshari but love sining in groups just for the fun of it no matter what type of song it is:):):)

5)Gestures also say lot,it feels real good to hear someone tell you tha they care for you..........:):)a lot of people regret not having expressed their feelings for whatever reason, then why not appreciate those who do!!:):):)

6)I usually detest hugs they make me feel horribly uncomfortable because i hate getting squeezed but often when i feel pathetic i just want a warm hug thats it....:):) i guess thats the case with everyone^_^

7)Laughing at my own stupidity!!:):):):P:P:P:P:P...........................

8)Watching the moon......:):)well not for too long though:P:P

9) I usually never greet anyone by saying good morning .................but i made an exception for a very elderly uncle in my society ,I would see him walking everyday morning in my building compound. and eventhough i would be rushing for class worrying about how to reach in time or be in an irritated mood(having been shouted at just before i left home), i would still always smile and say good morning to him and he would return a smile too:):) i dont know why , but it felt real nice to start my day (outside of home) like that, so i made it a daily routine, but unfortunately he passed away yesterday and i just realized that i may never get to say good morining to him ever again and start my day on that pleasant note:(:(:(May his soul rest in peace.....

Well thats about it now but if i do realize anymore ill sure jot it down............till then adios!